CCC Newsletter August 2001

no. 02-01 Caithness Cycling Club August 2001

Editor David Robinson, tel. 01847 831864 (home); e-mail or

At last there's time to run up a newsletter. So much has being going on this summer, not least cycling, there haven't been enough hours in the day. Anyway my apologies to members and we'll try and make up for the shortfall in the coming months. Once again, any contributions, however small, are more than welcome. If anyone has suggestions for anything else that might be included in this newsletter please let me know. Remember too that you can place items for sale and wanted. A plug for our two local cycle shops is appropriate here? whilst it often seems convenient to buy over the telephone or via the internet, it's as well to check with Sam at Leisure Activities Thurso (01847 895385) or Steve and Alison at Wheels Cycle Shop Thurso (01847 896124) who prove to be very competitive, and both not only offer the lowest prices possible, but follow up with welcome after-sales service right on your doorstep ? something that companies in the south cannot compete with. Plus you can get good advice on various aspects of bikes and cycling in general. Please note that I will not send out hard copies of the newsletter to e-mail recipients unless specifically requested ? I now have 30 e-mail addresses but please let me know if I have missed any out. I will ensure that anyone without e-mail receives a copy. A few spare copies will also be left at the 2 Thurso bike shops and in the clubrooms.

Remember that there's a club run all the year round on Sunday mornings, meeting at the clubroom in Gerry Square, Thurso by 0930 prompt. Someone usually goes along on all but the very worst of days, but it might be best to ring around a few people the day before - any committee member can supply members phone numbers if necessary though most of us are in the phone book. Cycling is more enjoyable and motivating with others to keep you company.

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