Bower Inn Run

There was a good turn-out of over 20 for this popular event at which lots of good food and drink, together with sparkling conversation, was enjoyed by all. It was good to see stalwart supporter Jack Selby and other non-member friends again this year. It was a very cold but clear and pleasant day and as usual some hardy souls arrived via John O’ Groats - unfortunately John Sinclair took a tumble on black ice on the way round but was little the worse for wear - they made them tough in those days! The ride was a timely reminder for some that they have been neglecting their winter training, and the prospect of Christmas fayre adding even more to the waistline is also a further reason to keep at it! Martin Johnstone certainly wasn’t shirking however - he was determined to win the traditional and highly valued ‘Best Decorated Bike’ competition and so employed a rather heavy car battery, which probably weighed almost as much as his bike, to power his array of lights, which easily won in the face of (concerted?) opposition.

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