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NOSCA Constitution Scottish Vets Records 12 Hour Info 2006 NoSCA BAR Diary 2006 SCU Affiliated Clubs 2006 NoSCA Officials A Terrible Tale





This organisation, being the north centre of the Scottish Cyclists’ Union (SCU), shall be called the North of Scotland Cycling  Association (NoSCA), hereafter referred to as “The Association”.


The Association shall consist of resident SCU or BCF members.  These members shall belong to SCU or BCF affiliated clubs which are located within the geographical area of the north centre as defined by the SCU.  A resident shall be defined as a member whose primary abode lies within the above area and who has occupied that abode for at least three of the previous twelve months.  Only such members shall be allowed to take part in any Association meeting or qualify for any Association championship.


To co-ordinate, administer, control and encourage all aspects of the sport of cycling within the Association area in accordance with the Association’s by-laws and the rules of the SCU.  To affiliate to any organisation to further the interests of the Association and its members.



At General Meetings all members of the Association shall be entitled to vote.  The Chairman may, at his discretion, invoke the rules of conduct as laid down in the SCU rules (Standing Orders for General Meetings).

At least 50% of the senior office bearers must be present and at least 50%of the clubs of the membership must be represented for the meeting to be deemed quorate.  If a General Meeting has to be reconvened because it is not quorate, it shall proceed at an alternative date even if not quorate.  The committee will be required to initiate disciplinary proceedings against clubs not represented at a reconvened meeting.  Only a General Meeting may change the Title, Constitution, Objects or By-laws of the Association, 2/3 of the members present must be in favour of the change, for other business a simple majority will suffice.  In the event of a tie the Chairman shall have the casting vote.


The Annual General Meeting will be held on or about the second Sunday of November each year.  The General Secretary shall notify the membership by sending agenda, minutes of the previous AGM, time and place of meeting to their clubs 14 days in advance.

The agenda for the meeting shall be:

a.      Notice of meeting.

b.      Apologies.

c.      Chairman’s remarks.

d.      Minutes of the previous AGM.

e.      Matters arising.

f.        Annual reports from secretaries

g.      Alterations to Title, Constitution, Objects or By-laws.  (Proposals to be in the hands of the General Secretary 30 days before the date of the meeting.)

h.      Election of office bearers.  Senior officials shall be Chairman; Vice Chairman; General, Road Race, Mountain Bike, Time Trial, Records and Track Secretaries and Treasurer.  Other officials shall be elected as required.

i.        Setting of the per capita fee for the subsequent year.

j.         Ratification of Association information for the SCU handbook

k.      Any other competent business.



The General Secretary shall call a meeting on the instructions of the Association Committee, or on written request of ten members, within 30 days.

The requisition shall detail the purpose of the meeting and only such business shall be transacted at the meeting.  Any member’s request must be accompanied by a deposit of £10 total.  The meeting shall decide on the return of this deposit.



Association Meetings shall consist of the Association’s Office Bearers and delegates from the clubs of the membership.  Association meetings may be called at any convenient time by the Chairman and/or General Secretary.  The General Secretary is to notify the membership through their clubs at least ten days in advance of any such meeting.  Association Committee meetings shall only be deemed quorate if the bearers of at least 50% of the senior offices and at least three of the clubs of the membership are represented, either by delegates or office bearers.  The committee shall have the power to decide on any point not covered by these by-laws.



The day to day running of the Association will be vested in a committee which shall consist of the Association’s Office Bearers.



Members’ clubs shall pay to the Association an annual fee of  £**  per SCU/BCF member of that club during the previous season, or £**, whichever is the greater amount.  This sum shall be due by or on the date of the AGM each year.  Any changes to the affiliation fees shall be decided at the AGM.  The treasurer shall also propose the amount.  The treasurer shall also be responsible for presenting audited financial records of the Association to the AGM.




SCU rules (where formulated) will apply to all NoSCA promotions.  All NoSCA promotions shall be open to any SCU/BCF member with the proviso that Association members will be given priority in the event of a full field being received for any championship.

NoSCA Championships will be:


Senior 10, 25, 50, 100, hill climb

Juvenile 10



Senior 1 lap sprint, 800m, 1500m, 2000m, 3000m, 4000m, 6000m

Junior 1500m













These championships may be promoted by NoSCA, or alternatively they may be awarded to clubs at the discretion of the committee.  The committee also has the discretion to promote other events, e.g. Inverness-Elgin etc.

In Championships when no other prize is provided non-Association members who attain a medal position in the event shall receive a prize of a value to be decided by the Association Committee prior to each season.

Prize values in other events will be decided by the Association Committee, who may delegate this task to the event organiser.

Race organisers who have successfully bid for NoSCA championships in any category must seek permission from the NoSCA executive committee to allow the event to be cancelled or postponed before doing so.

Any entries received after the published closing date for a road or time trial championship event will not be eligible to receive championship awards.

In a 100 mile time trial organised by NOSCA, any club which has a member competing must provide a marshall or official.



Championship medals will be awarded to the first three Association members on a scratch basis.

If three or more entries are received from riders in each of  the categories of ladies, juniors, schoolboys/girls and veterans (as defined by the SCU) a medal will be awarded on a scratch basis, except for the veteran award which will be on age standard (using the VTTA age standard tables).  When two categories coincide, i.e. lady/senior, lady/junior or lady/veteran, the organiser shall use his/her discretion.  Team medals will be awarded to the team of three first claim members who record the fastest aggregate time, providing that at least two teams enter.

Time Trial Championships will be rotated around the courses in the Association’s area as far as practicable



Only NoSCA District races may be used for BAR qualifying times with the exception of the 100m TT which may be any SCU 100m TT not taking place on the same day as the NoSCA 100mTT.  BAR Championships for seniors shall be decided by average miles per hour over 25, 50 and 100 miles.  The method of calculating the championship shall be the average speed at each distance added together and divided by three, correct to the third decimal place.  Distances for junior BAR shall be in line with current SCU regulations and for ladies and schoolboy/girl BAR 10 and 25 miles.  These Championships are to be calculated in the same manner as the senior BAR championship.  Awards will be medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, and 1st team in each category.  Team definitions are as the SCU BAR rules.



Championship road race distance shall be at least 60 kilometres.  Championship awards shall be, in addition to any by the promoting club, medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd individual places, 1st junior and 1st team (if two or more teams enter).  “One man, one prize” will apply, except for the team prize.  Premier awards (1st, 2nd and 3rd) take priority



The road race BAR championship shall be decided on a points basis from all district scratch road races or individual stages of stage races of 50k or more.  Points shall be awarded to any rider gaining a placing in the first ten of any qualifying event.  Points will be awarded as follows:

  1st:  10 points

  2nd:  9 points, down to

  10th: 1 point

The rider with the highest points total at the end of the season will be the winner.  In the event of a tie on points the winner shall be decided by reference to placings achieved, i.e. most first places, and if still equal, most second places etc.  This rule applies to all tied placings. 

Championship awards shall be:

   1st, 2nd and 3rd senior

  1st junior.



The Association Committee shall award the Track Championships to suitable meetings. Championship awards shall be medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd individual


g.      TRACK BAR

The Track BAR shall be decided on a points basis from Championship races only, with the exception of the Junior 1500 metres.  Points shall be awarded as follows:

  1st:  3 points

  2nd:  2 points

  3rd:  1 point


In the event of a tie the same method shall be used as for the Road Race BAR to decide the winner.

BAR awards shall be medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.



The Association Committee shall award the Mountain Bike Championships to suitable meetings.  Championship Awards shall be medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each category.





The Association will recognise records performed by all categories of rider in the following classifications:


1.      Association members on NoSCA registered courses.

2.      All comers on NoSCA registered courses.

3.      Association members on any course registered with the SCU, BCF or



Records may be claimed by the rider or riders concerned, their club or the promoting club.


The Time Trial and Records Secretary will maintain a list of all records and publicise same at each AGM.




The Association will recognise place to place records at the discretion of the centre committee, who will decide on all matters not covered by these rules.


Record attempts will only be recognised on receipt of a timekeeper’s certificate signed by a SCU accredited timekeeper and commissaire, who shall respectively time and observe the attempt.


The onus shall be on the rider, riders or their clubs to make all arrangements for a record attempt and to claim any performance.


The Time Trial and Records Secretary will maintain a list of all records and publicise the same at each AGM.


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